DeskTop Software Training

DeskTop Software Training For Microsoft Word Training and similar software. Either via telephone and Skype , on site or using our premises. For: Personal use, Small business, Corporate training. Sitges is a wonderful place to receive training, as is Barcelona, by arrangement. Now-a-days,  →

Video & Animation Skills

Video & Animation Skills Adjusting and making media for use online has moved from purely for business, to personal use and social media and now back again. As these types of media begin to form the backbone of marketing for many companies. We offer:  →

Water Sports

Water Sports The Mediterranean ocean provides Sitges with a wealth of water activities. From water skiing, boating and wind sailing, to beach side sports such as surfing, kite sailing and kayaking. Whilst Sitges may not be a mecca for a single sport,  →


Sports Sitges is a great place to enjoy sports. Locals are encouraged by the ocean and natural park surroundings and a climate suited to being outside. Especially during the milder months, for energetic types. Visitors can continue their hobbies from home,  →

Health – Fitness

Health – Fitness Sitges is a great place to get healthy and fit. Locals are encouraged by the beach surroundings and a climate suited to being outside. Visitors can continue their hobbies from home, to expand their Sitges experience or start a new  →

Search Engine Optimisation

Search Engine Optimisation Getting a website fit for search engines is not that hard. Once the knowledge is know, there is few skills. In fact all SEO Consultant can learn about their clients industry, but the real expertise and intelligence is often already  →

Graphic & Photo Software

Graphic & Photo Software Adjusting photos for use online has moved from purely for business, to use on galleries and social media and back again. As these channels begin to form the backbone of marketing for many companies. We offer: Starter training for optmising  →

Online Sales Marketing

Online Sales Marketing Once your site is Search Engine Optimised, getting it to the top of search engines is about popularity and visibility. There are various techniques to get noticed and seen. Many simply take effort and tactics, rather than special skills. An  →


Golf Award winning courses apart, learning Golf in Sitges provides a brilliant way to spend a relaxing time outside, whilst getting exercise. The local course is set beside the ocean and offers an experience suited to beginners and advanced golfers. We  →

Martial Arts

Martial Arts Sitges offers a number of martial arts schools and clubs. With varied styles and teaching options, including group and personal training. Some offer occasional classes in idyllic locations along the beach, when the weather is best suited. We aim to  →
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