Water Sports

Water Sports The Mediterranean ocean provides Sitges with a wealth of water activities. From water skiing, boating and wind sailing, to beach side sports such as surfing, kite sailing and kayaking. Whilst Sitges may not be a mecca for a single sport,  →


Sports Sitges is a great place to enjoy sports. Locals are encouraged by the ocean and natural park surroundings and a climate suited to being outside. Especially during the milder months, for energetic types. Visitors can continue their hobbies from home,  →


Golf Award winning courses apart, learning Golf in Sitges provides a brilliant way to spend a relaxing time outside, whilst getting exercise. The local course is set beside the ocean and offers an experience suited to beginners and advanced golfers. We  →
sitges wate sports sitgeswatersports.com Sitges holiday guide - sitgesholidayguide.com