Adjusting and making media for use online has moved from purely for business, to personal use and social media and now back again. As these types of media begin to form the backbone of marketing for many companies.

We offer:

On site – or elsewhere. In person or via the telephone and Skype.

This can be easy adjustments, such as adding images to make a gif interactive advertising banner, or slightly more complicated effects for a short flash animation. Using layers to add moving text messages and other images, for use in websites and social media sites.

These procedures are much easier than many can imagine, once instruction has been received and can often be completed by novices

Advanced changes, where a character or text moves within a movie, can be taught. Opening up the opportunity to save costs on improving a small or large businesses promotional efforts. Examples here.

Design creativity is an element many clients obtain naturally, allowing us to provide the skills to execute their vision. If not, our experienced and skillful graphic designers can consult on branding and promotional ideas, for clients to complete in-house.

We can even work towards creating a banner or piece of media you have seen and need, during your training. In order to leave you with a tangible result from the advice.

Full graphic services are offered by our Sitges Barcelona Graphic Design Company here:

Video training can be arranged, as more of a long term course within Barcelona. 

Video services can be offered for corporate events or team training events. To capture the team building exercises in Sitges and Barcelona.

Short or long Podcasts or Video media can be created and  supplied for use as promotions on a clients website or as viral marketing. To benefit from social media opportunities. For bigger projects our London offices Film Team can arrive, with their skills and experience from feature film and BBC work.